November 2018 archive

The Masonic Games – Toronto Don Valley District Masons

Hosted by Patterson Grey No 265 and organized by W. Bro. Alec Zimmerman Chair, Education and Lodge Resources Committee Toronto Don Valley District

2018 Official Visit of DDGM RW Bro Ronel Manabat – November 6 2018

2018 Official Visit of DDGM RW Bro Ronel Manabat – November 6 2018 Newly Initiated Brother Stuart Alexander Moshiri Spears. Photos Courtesy of W. Bro Ben San Juan

Official Visit Dinner of DDGM RW Bro Ronel Manabat – November 6 2018


Official Visit Dinner of District Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Ronel Manabat.   Photos courtesy of W. Bro Ben San Juan

2018 25 Year Award Recipients


Official Visit with R.W. Bro. Ronel Manabat and. V.W. Amir Shahab Soltanzadeh – 25 Years Past Master. Bro. Amir Baha Soltanzadeh – 25 Years a Mason. Bro. N.F.Brescia – 25 Years A Mason. Photos courtesy of W. Bro Ben San Juan