Zetland-Wilson – Regular Meeting Dinner Reservation

    Order your meals below for the Zetland-Wilson, June 4, 2024 - Installation:

    A dinner consisting of; To Be Determined

    Price for Supper is $50 per ticket (TBD)

    Please select a value below, even if "0"

    Your Total meal costs come to: $

    Supper tickets can either be paid in advance by e-Transfer, or by cash on the day of registration. An email with more details will automatically be sent to the email address provided above after you successfully submit this form.

    Note: your pre-registration of the meals will enable us to have a more exact count of the number of meals to reserve with our Caterers. By your submission with the above information, your meals will be reserved and you will be liable for payment (unless the Caterer fails to deliver for whatever reason). Cancellations will be accepted up to 3 days in advance.